The Adventures of Tober, the Thorntown Library Cat

A wonderful blog for literary cats, The Adventures of Tober, The Thorntown Library Cat. Tober lives in the library in Thorntown, Indiana. He instantly won the hearts of the staff when he moved in. He syas ” I did this by allowing them to pet me and treat me and haul me around the Library in the Upside-down position. I’ve also learned that you can earn very Nice belly rubs by throwing yourself at a Human’s feets. They instantly stop what they are doing so that they can rub the tummy.”

Follow his adventures on his fabulous blog…. The Adventures of Tober, the Thorntown Library Cat.

The 15th Century Equivalent of Your Cat Walking on Your Keyboard

The 15th Century Equivalent of Your Cat Walking on Your Keyboard

I’m in ur manuscript, making a mess! For cat owners, the scene is all too familiar: You sit down to get some work done, and along comes kitty, here to stroll across your keyboard. Now, evidence that cats have been up to this same mischief for six centuries: inky paw prints, gracing a page of the 13th volume of letters.

Nice to see some things never change! :-)

read more… Rebecca J. Rosen – The Atlantic.

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