A Sink Bed For Cats!

Now here’s a cool design! If any of our readers are fond of sleeping sinks (you know who you are), well this is just for you! When you curl up in that wonderful, cool, perfectly shaped sink it’s so delicious! But somehow it really seems to annoy the humans (or make them laugh like a drain and start pointing cameras at you – either way, very irritating!)

little cat design ceramic cat bedWell Little Cat Design in the USA have come up with the perfect solution, a cat bed made of ceramic, designed just for the sink lovers among us…
the Cat’s Contour Ceramic Cat Bed.

little cat design ceramic cat bed

Isn’t it fabulous? So thoughtful! It was inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer a.k.a Buffcat who was spending all her time in the bathroom sink. Her humans wanted more quality time with her and came up with this wonderful idea, give Buffcat her own ceramic bed in the living room.

Amazing! Oh for humans like these!

You can read about how they came up with the design for the ceramic bed here.

You can find the beds here at Little Cat Design.

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